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Journals & Magazines | Newspapers | Radio | Television


"29" Magazine
Illustrated journal for home reading.
A new life style magazine. Internet edition.
Aviation & Space Industrial Complex magazine.
BDI (Bezopasnost, Dostovernost, Informatsiya) Security Magazine
Magazine's profile is for all kind of security businesses.
Bezbumazhniy Obshchiy Meditsinskiy Zhurnal
Medical magazine on line.
Business magazine -  financial news, news, companies and markets and more...
COFE Magazine
Magazine for everybody. Business and economics for men, Yabloko - site for women, Pochitay-ka for kids and Blagovest for Russian Orthodox.
CrazyWEB Magazine
By Sasha Kanarsky.
"Drug dlya Druga" Weekly Magazine, Kursk
"Friend for a Friend" weekly magazine. Advertising, price-list, banner exchange. Weekly magazine. Advertising, price-list, banner exchange.
Druzhba Narodov
"Friendship of Nations" monthly magazine. Publishes new artists from Russia, Asia and other.
Eva - Internet magazine for women.
FUTURO Magazine
Welcome to FUTURO meg@zine homepage.
GLAS New Russian Writing
GLAS NEW RUSSIAN WRITING is a book series which publishes today's Russian writers in excellent literary English translations as (and sometimes before) they are published in the major literary journals of Moscow and St. Petersburg.(E)
Gold Inform
Russian Business Weekly Internet Magazine.
Happy Russia
Happy Russia (Schastlivaya Rossia) - is your favorite digest!
Inostrannaya Literatura
"International Literature" Magazine.
Inside Russia by Heritage Foundation
Welcome to Inside Russia - your window on Russia and Eurasia in transition.
"Interbusiness" Magazine
Interesting business. Financial news and other.
"Kino Express" (Cinema Express)
Daily virtual movie magazine.
A quarterly review for those working in film, video, audio-visual and television in Russia and Eastern Europe, KINOPRODUCTION is designed to answer any needs professionals may have.
"Kolonna" Magazine
"Column" magazine - cultural life of Russia.
Boston Independent Almanac.
M - Hobby
Magazine devoted to fans of scale modeling and military history.
Michail Zhvanetsky's Ironic Magazine Online
Mikhail Zhvanetsky's humor magazine - "Magazin" (Shop).
On-line journal dedicated to the Y2K issues in Russia and worldwide. Probably one of the best sites on the subject.
Mir Zdorovya
"World of Health" magazine - publications, digest, information.
"Monokl" Culture News Magazine
"Monocle" magazine - theater, movies, art, music, people, media and other.
Moscow Channel!
Like many good ideas, Moscow Channel was conceived in a Chinese restaurant and born on a bedroom Mac, with no backing or budget. Over the past year, as Moscow Channel has grown beyond our expectations, we have tried to turn a labor of love into a source of revenue, sometimes with hilarious results.
Nesovremennye Zapiski
"Not contemporary notes" - the most interesting stories published in 1995-1998.
Literature magazine from St. Petersburg.
Novaia Yunost
"New Youth" - poetry, novels, photography, documentary.
Noviy Mir
"New World" internet magazine.
"Flame" - Internet version. News, archive, forums, library, history, information.
Oil & Gas Vertical Journal
Information about oil & gas companies, productions, news and statistics.
Paradox of Economics and Power
News, politics, economy, books, sale, music, computers and more...
"PIVA!" (BEER!) Magazine
Piva!" Beer magazine, also you can read it on the Internet using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Possev Zhurnal
Monthly social - political magazine.
"Realtor" St. Petersburg Real Estate Magazine
"RISK" Russian Outdoor Life On-Line Magazine
Russian Business and Trade Connections Monthly Magazine Online
"Russian Life" Magazine
The 42-year-old magazine of Russian culture, history, travel and issues. Over 64 colorful pages in each bimonthly issue!
Russian Literature on Internet - Journals and Magazines
Russian Medical Journal
Russian Petroleum Investor Journal

International publisher based in Moscow and Los Angeles. RPI's publications include Russian Petroleum Investor, the leading journal on energy issues in the former Soviet Union. The company also provides business research and corporate intelligence services to Western and Pacific Rim companies operating in the Former Soviet Union.

Russian Press
Anatoly's Kidder web site with contents and links to Russian Newspapers and Magazines on the Internet.
Russkiy Zhurnal (Russian Journal)
The printed version is called PUSHKIN (the first Russian non - commercial project in the field of the mass intellectual journalism). A unique method of "reverse" interviews - questions asked by experts and answered by the public.
"Show Master" Magazine Online Version
Slavic Review
"Sobstvennosti" St. Petersburg Property Magazine
Russian military
"Soldat Udachi" Magazine
"Soldier of Fortune" Magazine for those who defends their country!
"Sport-Prim" Magazine
Technology News
Technology News in Russian Daily mailing-list with over 16 thousand Russian-speaking subscribers publishes original articles containing the most interesting information from the world of computers, new technologies and sciences.
Telenedelya - Russian TV Guide
A TV & Radio Guide for all Russian speaking programs in USA and Canada. Forums, interviews and much more!
"Telesputnik" Cable & Satellite TV Magazine
"Teleweek" Magazine
"The Russian" Magazine
Urals Business News Magazine
Welcome to the Urals Business News which monitors, tracks and sources business news from all regions for the Urals market. The news compiled is to provide information for the business community, focusing on areas of specific interest to foreign investors/partners.
You can find here information on The Urania Magazine, Urania Publisher and The Daniel Andreev Charity Foundation. Books and software on Astrology.
"VELOtempo" Russian Biking Magazine
Vestnik - Russian Orthodox Journal
Orthodox Journal "Vestnik" - publication of the Crimean Russian Orthodox Diocese.
"VITTA" Russian Magazine of Cultural and Business Life of the Middle Urals
Voprosy Literatury
Weekend - Johnnie Walker Weekly
WPS - Russian Media Monitoring Agency
This site is entirely devoted to Russian affairs. It is maintained by WPS (What the Papers Say), Russia's first independent media monitoring and newspaper digest service.
"Zakonodatelstvo i Ekonomika" (Legislation and Economics) Journal
"Zdorovie" Advertising Magazine
Zelenograd Online
News, Information, Music, Sport, Poetry, Photo Gallery, Chat Room and more...
Zerkalo (Criticism)
Zhurnalniy Zal
Russia Guide
t o p   o f   p a g e  
Complete playbill of all St. Petersburg,Russia theatres, shows, concerts, etcComplete playbill of all St. Petersburg,Russia theatres, shows, concerts, etc. !
World-known music festival "The Stars of the White Nights". Artistic director - Valery Gergiev (Mariinky (Kirov) Opera and Ballet)World-known music festival "The Stars of the White Nights".
Artistic director - Valery Gergiev (Mariinky (Kirov) Opera and Ballet)

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