![Russian dance]() |
Collection of biographic
summaries and links to texts of the authors of the new Russian literature. |
![Russian dance]() |
News, information, links. |
![Russian dance]() |
At this page you will not
find all occurrences of "Joseph Brodsky" webwide. Only the most relevant sites
are listed - ones containing unique texts by or about Brodsky, his poems, photographs,
video and audio material. |
![Russian dance]() |
Catalog. |
![Russian dance]() |
This page was set up in his
memory. It contains all morsels of his poetry and all Brodsky-related websites I found. |
![Russian dance]() |
Special issue dedicated to I.
Brodsky. |
![Russian dance]() |
Books, links. |
![Russian dance]() |
All archives are
ZIP-compressed files. |
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Comprehensive, evolving list
of Russian and Soviet-era literature. Focus on works available in English translation.
Includes over 400 titles, with information on translations, editions, publishing houses
and references to other works. |
![Russian dance]() |
Books about Dostoevsky in
English in Middlebury College Library (annotations courtesy of RU351 students spring
1996). |
![Russian dance]() |
Concordances of complete
works, canonic texts, Center of Dostoevsky studies. |
![Russian dance]() |
Notes From Underground,
DostoyevskyWebSite, Crime & Punishment Page, DostBiblio, Dost & Phil, The World of
Dost, Dost Pictures & Info, Dostoevsky Page, Dost Links, DostoevskySite. |
![Russian dance]() |
If you want to get an idea of
Dostoevsky's world, read his books. If you want to see a clean apartment with tacky
wallpaper and a few not-so-interesting pieces of Dostoevsky memorabilia, spend the twenty
minutes it takes to cruise through here. |
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Brothers Karamazov . Crime
and Punishment . Notes from Underground . Double . Insulted and Injured . Gentle Spirit .
Crocodile . Dream of Ridiculous Man . Bobok . Peasant Marey . Little Orphan . Articles. |
![Russian dance]() |
This paper has been
circulated in the Newsletter of the Society for Russian Religious Philosophy, 1, Spring
1995, 11-19. Copyright (c) David A. Goldfarb, 1995. This material is offered here only for
personal, classroom and scholarly use, but not for republication. |
![Russian dance]() |
Works in Russian, English
translations, museums and cities. |
![Russian dance]() |
Culture, religion, mythology,
philosophy and more. |
![Russian dance]() |
Futurism was an international
art movement founded in Italy in 1909. It was (and is) a refreshing contrast to the weepy
sentimentalism of Romanticism. |
![Russian dance]() |
Pictures only. |
![Russian dance]() |
Welcome to literary virtual
tour of Moscow. You will see Pushkin, Bulgakov, Tolstoy. |
![Russian dance]() |
Welcome to the Archives of
The Computer Fund of Russian Language. Select from the list of authors. |
![Russian dance]() |
Poems, art, his life... |
![Russian dance]() |
The most complete
Internet-Library of Russian texts. |
![Russian dance]() |
ike many Russian
intellectuals of his time, Boris Pasternak lived a life of fear and insecurity. As a poet
in post - revolutionary Soviet Russia, he had to walk a very delicate line between obeying
the dictates of the all-encompassing
State and those of his own artistic conscience. |
![Russian dance]() |
Public Library by Eugene
Peskin. |
![Russian dance]() |
Escape from Russia. Short
history of my life in text and photos. INOSTRANEC: Zapiski emigranta. Poetry. |
![Russian dance]() |
The most scandalous book in
Russian Literature. Published in 16 languages. By M.I.P. Publishers. |
![Russian dance]() |
Located twenty-five
kilometers south of St. Petersburg, the town of Pushkin, originally called Tsarskoye Selo,
came into existence when Catherine I built a little surprise palace here for her husband,
Peter the Great. |
![Russian dance]() |
Antique literature, silver
age (serebryannyi vek), samizdat. Writer profiles, biographies, literary texts - a very
unique collection. |
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Magazines, catalogs,
dictionaries, collections. |
![Russian dance]() |
Coming soon: Alexander
Vvedensky, Nikolaj Zabolotsky, Ruboko Sho. Here you got the poems in UNIX encoding: Daniil
Kharms, Kari Unksova, Vladimir Strochkov, Bakhyt Kenzheyev, Julia Genyuk, Alexej
Kruchenykh, Tanikava Suntaro, Velimir Khlebnikov. |
![Russian dance]() |
Spiritual Guidance -
excerpts from the book "Exit..." |
![Russian dance]() |
'Authorial,' Lyric and
Narrative Voices in Varlam Shalamov's Kolymskie rasskazy: A close reading of
. Photograph, Varlam Shalamov, 1965. Bibliography of Shalamov-Related
Materials. Introduction to my Master's Thesis, Varlam Shalamov's Kolymskie
rasskazy: The
Problem of Ordering. Abstract of my Master's Thesis. |
![Russian dance]() |
Page of Sergey Mikhailov,
Friedrich Nietzsche, Yuri Mamleev. |
![Russian dance]() |
SOLZHENITSYN - 1970 Nobel Laureate in
Literature for the ethical force with which he has pursued the indispensable traditions of
Russian literature. Background and more... |
![Russian dance]() |
"If only there were evil
people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds and it were necessary only to separate
them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts
through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own
heart." |
![Russian dance]() |
Soviet Literature,
1917-1953. Pages: Introduction to this Page, History, Bibliography, Images, Authors,
Critical Commentary, Links to Other Sources. |
![Russian dance]() |
News, information,
Competition in Russian virtual literature. |
![Russian dance]() |
The Last Days of Leo Tolstoy
by Vladimir Chertkov, Tolstoy's long-time personal secretary, disciple and executor
of his literary estate, is both a history, a chronicle of Tolstoy's deathbed scene,
and a story, a personal interpretation of that event in a literary genre reminiscent
of the Gospels. |
![Russian dance]() |
Anarchy Archives - Leo
Tolstoy: biography, bibliography, collected works, commentary. |
![Russian dance]() |
This page is a part of Funet
Russian Archive - Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy (1828 - 1910). |
![Russian dance]() |
Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva
(the name is also transliterated as Tsvetayeva, Tzvetaeva or Cvetaeva) is considered by
many to be one of the greatest Russian poets of the twentieth century. |
![Russian dance]() |
Victor Maximov: literature
and poetry of the new era. |
![Russian dance]() |
The catalog of Russian
Science Fiction literature. |