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Russian consulting
AGRIConsult, St. Petersburg
Marketing, consulting information services on agricultural and food market.
Russian consulting
"ALING" Company Information & Legal Services, Moscow
“ALING” is the private limited company registered in Moscow in 1996 providing a broad spectrum of information, analytical, consulting and legal services in the business sphere.
Russian consulting
Atlas Consulting (Russia) Ltd., Krasnodar
Atlas Consulting (Russia) Ltd., a marketing and business management consulting firm, located in South Russia, now has a presence on the World Wide Web.
Russian consulting
"Banko" Information Service
News, information on tourism, currency exchange and more...
Russian consulting
Besedin Avakov Tarasov & partners
Legal and accounting services in Russia and abroad. Counsel on taxes. Accountancy, bookkeeping, financial statements in accordance with international standards, optimization of taxation. On@line advice.
Russian consulting
Business Book Virtual Store
Business books - accounting, audit, insurance, economics, legal and much more...
Russian consulting
"CITY" Russian Business Internet Magazine
Business magazine -   financial news, news, companies and markets and more...
Russian consulting
This is the first Russian Web server dedicated to providing extensive information on international accounting standards, automatization systems, managerial consulting and accounting standards in Russia.
Russian consulting
Consulting in Russia
What do you know about consulting and consultant in Russia ? Nothing? Join this page, and discuss !
Russian consulting
"Delo" (Business) Nizhny Novgorod Weekly Newspaper
Weekly news, business news.
Russian consulting
E Prostor
What to do to become an owner of Internet-shop? E Commerce. Computers.
Russian consulting
"ECAM" Information-Analytical Center, Moscow
Economic and financial information of Russian enterprises. Data bases: Industry, Basic enterprises, Agriculture, Auctions, Privatization, Power Engineering.
Russian consulting
Enterprise Russia
Enterprise Russia has been successfully providing business links with the Yaroslavl Region of Russia for the past 8 years. We can provide sales and purchase contracts and joint ventures with Russian companies that will place your business firmly into the Russian market.
Russian consulting
Ernst & Young CIS
Welcome to Ernst & Young. In 1989, we were the first professional services firm to establish operations in the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States). We are the leading business advisor to companies entering and doing business in this market.
Russian consulting
Eurasia Foundation
The Eurasia Foundation is a privately managed grant making organization dedicated to funding programs that build democratic and free market institutions in the twelve New Independent States (NIS) of the former Soviet Union.
Russian consulting
Development and implementation of database solution for different businesses. In computer business since 1990.
Russian consulting
The server was made for those who concerned in receiving reliable and efficient information on fishing. It uses database of DalRybVtuz Fishing University Computer Center (Vladivostok) and contains the great amount of scientific and commercial information.
Russian consulting
Our site is specialized on Russian-French exchanges and is subject to inform about historical, cultural, technical, political and economical events from life of the both countries. )
Russian consulting
GfK Market Research Company
An International Institute for Market and Social Research GfK MR was founded in Moscow in 1991 as an affiliate company of GfK Group, which headquarter is based in Nuremberg, Germany. At present time, GfK MR Russia is the largest market research agency in Russian Federation, leading in quality of the information services.
Russian consulting
InfoServ Lipetsk
Our server represents the companies of Lipetsk region on the Internet, also investment projects.
Russian consulting
Institute for Social and Economic Development, Moscow
The Most Reliable Consulting Company in Moscow, Russia.
Russian consulting
Inter Biz Network
International Business Network - We are looking for qualified programmers to work in Spain. Please enter your resume. Spanish)
Russian consulting
INTERCOMM Consulting and Business Training
Better business solutions! Business Skills Division. Consulting Services Division.
Russian consulting
Internet Moscow Business Server
Business on the Internet.
Russian consulting
Joint-Stock Company
Joint-stock company - here you can learn(find out): -i the documents regulating activity of a society(community). Variants of creation - establishment again, ways reorganization, allocation, creation affiliated The basic concepts about the action(share), practical meaning(importance) of quantity(amount) of the actions(shares), order of registration of releases, register of the shareholders, software, reference. Management of a society(community), basic circuits and variants of management. The given site is intended for Russia.
Russian consulting
Kalach Center for the Support of Entrepreneurs
Kalach Center for the Support of Entrepreneurs is an independent non-commercial company established in January 1997 in the framework of Regional Program for Business Development. The main objective of the Center is to form business environment inductive for small and medium-sized business development in the Kalach district of the Voronezh Region, to provide training and consulting services and informational support to entrepreneurs.
Russian consulting
KPMG Russia
KPMG is one of the largest professional advisory firms in the world. In our offices in Moscow, St.Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod we have over 750 professionals ready to provide you with the highest level of local expertise and personal service. These professionals are supported by the resources of our specialized global and European networks that focus on serving industry specific needs.
Russian consulting
Mobile Information Agency, Moscow
The most accurate database with extensive information on commodities markets, manufacturers, financial activities in Russia. The information is very reliable and up to-date. The company also offers analysis and marketing services.
Russian consulting
Moscow Express Directory Database
Database on Moscow Express Directory: transportation, hotels, healthcare and much more...
Russian consulting
Moscow International Business Association
Moscow International Business Association (MIBA) is a non-profit organization with an objective to create favorable conditions for commercial activity in Moscow, particularly for businessmen.
Russian consulting
NicVer Search System for Business
Consultations on sales of the goods and services in Regions of Russia and CIS.
Russian consulting
Nizhny Novgorod Business Encyclopedia
Content: Company index, Company industry index.
Russian consulting
"Novokuznetsk 2000" Reference Guide
Commercial reference guide - services, partners, help.
Russian consulting
Partner+- Estonian-Russian business newspaper offer Charge-Free publication of the commercial declarations. We invite to cooperation all interested organizations, which one want to boost productivity of the commercial information. Estonian)
Russian consulting
"Practic" Training and Consulting Group, Moscow
Training and consulting group "Practic" will help you to organize and maintain your business.
Russian trade
Roger H. Madon, P.C.
Roger H. Madon, P.C. is a New York firm specializing in International Law, Environmental Law, and Labor and Employment Law. The firm concentrates on Russian business, acting as advisor and liaison on behalf of both American  and Russian companies.
Russian consulting
Russian (CIS) Market Consulting
Demands (Russian Market), raw gem stones, ecologically pure technology for dry galvanization.
Russian consulting
Russian Market Research and Consultancy Services
Economist is an industrial market research consultation based in Moscow. We meet the information requirements of organizations involved in Russian industrial markets. Economists supplies the facts necessary for informed  decision-making.
Russian consulting
Serendipity: Russian Consulting & Development, Ltd.
Russian culture isn't foreign to us! Serendipity's fine staff and consulting services can facilitate your business venture in Russia...
Russian consulting
Siberian Business Review
Siberia's Challenge. Siberian Business Review (SBR) Mission and more...
Siberian Marketing Research, Ltd.
Media and market research in Siberia Region.
Sigma - Business Navigator
Database (Links) for commercial organizations, advertising board, banner exchange system.
STRATUM Consulting
"STRATUM Consulting" - a Chelyabinsk-based management consultancy - is ready to support you.
T.E.A.M. Consulting
"T.E.A.M. consulting" provides online consulting on Russia.
Russian consulting
UNIFILE Business/Financial Information Agency
UNIFILE is now offering services, based on a unique database, containing a broad range of commercially useful information, on more than 1,000,000 Russian companies (banks, financial institutions, insurance companies, enterprises with foreign participation, commercial firms and joint stock companies).
Russian consulting
Voronezh Regional Agency for the Support of Small & Medium Sized Enterprises
The main objective of the Agency is to provide informational and consulting assistance in the following areas: economical planning, engineering accompaniment of the projects, consulting and training, match-making services, arrangement of participation in business events in Russia and abroad, informational services and administrative support.
Russian consulting
ZUS Equipment
Information database for used and new equipment, 10 categories. Sell and buy. Sign for the mailing list.
Russia Guide
t o p   o f   p a g e  
Complete playbill of all St. Petersburg,Russia theatres, shows, concerts, etcComplete playbill of all St. Petersburg,Russia theatres, shows, concerts, etc. !
World-known music festival "The Stars of the White Nights". Artistic director - Valery Gergiev (Mariinky (Kirov) Opera and Ballet)World-known music festival "The Stars of the White Nights".
Artistic director - Valery Gergiev (Mariinky (Kirov) Opera and Ballet)

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