The Ludwig Museum in the Russian Museum was opened on March, 10 1995 and is a vivid transportation of the idea of the general context in which the present-day art process develops.
It's a large-scale museum project that gives visitors a general overview of international art after 1945. Initiators of the project - Peter and Irene Ludwig and the State Russian Museum - intended to demonstrate the interrelations between Russian and Western art in the context of developments of the 20-th century. The collection presents classical masterpieces of Western and Russian artists of the period from post-war time up to 1990-ies: Jasper Johns, Pablo Picasso, Jeff Koons, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Andy Warholl, Joseph Beuys, Ilya Kabakov, Eric Bulatov etc.
The State Russian Museum in collaboration with the Ludwig Museum keeps organizing modern art exhibitions in the Russian Museum. "German Neoexpressionism from the Sanders Collection", "Gottfried Heinwein", "Installation by Brian Eno" are only a few examples of exhibitions which have been organized within the framework of the project.
Peter and Irene Ludwig made their first purchases of artworks in the early 1950-ies and succeeded in amassing the most important collection of the second half of the 20-th century. In the last few decades Ludwig's contacts with museums all over the world lead to a series of fruitful cooperations, among which
- Ludwig Museum, Cologne
- Suermondt-Ludwig Museum, Aachen
- Museum of Modern Art Ludwig Foundation, Vienna
- Basel Museum of Antiquities and the Ludwig Collection
- Ludwig Museum Budapest, Museum of Contemporary Art
- Ludwig Forum for International Art
- Ludwig Museum in the Deutschherrenhaus, Koblenz
- Ludwig Museum of International Art in the China Art Gallery, Beijing
- Ludwig Gallery in the Oberhausen Castle