Juvian the Chronicler (1880-1957)
The chronicler and librarian of Valaam,
humble monk Juvian was at heart a lover of the "desert-dwelling" monastic
life. Juvian and made a survey of desert-dwellers living on Valaam from the monastery's
inception, discovering ancient sites where these hermits once dwelt. A staunch defender
of the old Church Calendar, he also was banished and persecuted for this by the "uncanonical
reformers in Orthodox garb", as he called the militant usurpers of Valaam tradition,
which today is almost lost. A man of great kindness, he was close to a young pilgrim
lad and they often corresponded in letters. Many years later this lad became Patriarch
Alexis II of all Russia. Monk Juvian, in his humility, foresaw the importance of
pouring a constant stream of Valaam input into the young lad at the time of the severe
soviet persecution of monasticism, when even Valaam no longer existed. His writings
are voluminous. He wrote on St. John of Kronstadt, World War I, the New Martyrs of
Russia, the calendar question, animals, etc., and especially a biography of his own
Elder, Antipas II. The tone of his life was that of a truthful man, calm within and
extremely balanced, who with a diagnostical precision was able to assess right from
Text from Valaam Patericon Book of Days (St. Herman
of Alaska Brotherhood, Platina California)