St. Herman of Alaska (1757-1836)
A monastic since age twelve in the wilderness
of Sarov, he became close to Abbot Nazarius and followed the Abbot to Valaam, where
St. Herman lived as a desert-dweller. St. Herman was sent with the Mission to America
and, as a true disciple of Blessed Paisius Velichkovsky, practiced and spread the
Paisian tradition in America. He even reposed on the same date as St. Paisius, November
15, and was buried a month later, on December 13, remaining incorrupted, as his young
Aleut disciples testified. St. Herman combined apostleship and desert-dwelling, as
well as a loving care for orphans and young people, thus becoming their patron as
the first Orthodox saint of America. He taught the Jesus Prayer from his copy of
the Philokalia in America, where he founded a New Valaam Monastery on Spruce Island,
Alaska, where the monastic lamp is still burning. His repose in the Lord was that
of a saint: he foresaw its day and time, and at the moment of his death a halo of
Uncreated Light played about his head. The humble cell became filled with divine
fragrance and, as the Scripture was read, his soul left his body. At this moment
a pillar of light, above the location of the great saints repose was seen by natives
watching at a distance.
Text from Valaam Patericon Book of Days (St. Herman
of Alaska Brotherhood, Platina California)