The Menager or Economical Fountain. View from the Marly Cascade. |

The Menager or Economical Fountain. |

The Triton Cloche Fountain. Architect J. Braunstain. 1721. |

The Whale Fountain. |
 View of the Parterre with its sculptural decorations. |
 View of the Parterre with its sculptural decorations. |

The Mezheumny or Midway Fountain. |

The Neptune Fountain |

Man Riding a Hippocampus. |

The Neptune Fountain |
 Allegory of a River. |
 Dolphin. |
 Boy Riding a Dragon. |

Central motif of the Oak Fountain. |

The Fountain of the Square Pool. |

Vase fountains on the roof of the Voronikhin Colonnade. |