The Nymph and Danaid Fountains
In the remote north-western and north-eastern corners of the flower beds there are semicircular white-marble benches executed in the Pompeian style in 1853-56 after Andrei Stackenschneider's designs. The architect placed marble fountain bowls on tall cylindrical pedestals behind them. In the centre of each bowl stands a shining gilded female figure. A copy of the Classical statue of Nymph stands near the western bench, and its counterpart on the eastern side is a copy of Christoph Daniel Rauch's Danaid representing a woman filling her vessel with water.

The Danaid Fountain. Architect A. Stackenschneider. 1854. Sculptor I. Vitali (after Rauch's original)

The Nymph Fountain. Architect A. Stackenschneider. 1854. Copy from a Classical original. |