The Hermitage
The Hermitage is one of the world's greatest museums, founded in 1764 and occupying buildings of the Winter Palace and Small, Old and New Hermitages. The museum's collection now numbers more then 3 million items - paintings, graphic art, sculptures, applied art, coins and archeological finds.
Address: Dvortsovaya Nab., 34 see map
The Russian Museum
Opened in 1898 in the Mikhaylovsky Palace (architect C.Rossi). The museum numbers nearly 400,000 exhibits. It is the largest in the country collection of Russian art, from ancient icons to the Avant-garde painting of the XX century.
Address: Inzhenernaya Ul., 4/2 see map
Peter and Paul fortress
Founded on 27 May 1703 to defend St.Petersburg against enemy raids. From the middle of the 18th century it contained Russian political prison. The complex included Peter and Paul cathedral, designed by D.Trezzini, which is the city's tallest building (the height of the spire is 121.8 meter), the house of the "grandfather of the Russian navy", where exact copy of Peter I's little boat is kept and the Mint.
The Peter and Paul Cathedral contains the burial vaults of the Peter I and other Russian Emperors.
Address: Hare Island, Petropavlovskaya krepost see map
St.Isaac's cathedral
Saint Isaac's Cathedral is one of the world's most beautiful churches. The weighty mass of St. Isaac's Cathedral dominates the skyline of St.Petersburg. Its gilded dome covered with 100 kg of pure gold, soars over 100 meters into the air, making it visible far out onto the Gulf of Finland. The Cathedral was commissioned by Alexander I in 1818 and took more than three decades to complete. Its architect, August Monferrand, pulled out all the stops in his design, incorporating dozens of kinds of stone and marble into the enormous structure and lading its vast interior with frescoes, mosaics, bas-reliefs, and the only stained glass window in the Orthodoxy. By the time the cathedral was completed in 1858. Both the exterior and the interior of the cathedral deserve prolonged observation, and the view from the dome is stupendous.
Address: kanala Griboyedova Nab., 2-b see map
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Savior on the Spilt Blood (Spas-na-Krovi)
A monument of Russian architecture and decorative art of the late 19th century, designed by Parland. The church's unique decorations, both interior and exterior, include icons and panels made from majolica and mosaic created by the leading Russian artists of last century. There is a permanent exhibition "Tsar Alexander II".
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Yusupov Palace
On the embankment of Moyka river in historic part of St.Petersburg located magnificent Yousupovsky Palace with the original interiors of XIX - beg. XX century. You can see the gala halls, unique privet theatre, cosy palace, historic apartaments where Grigory Rasputin was killed.
Address: reki Moyki Nab., 94 see map
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Smolny cathedral
One of the most beatiful cathedrals, designed by Rastrelli for the Monastery of Resurrection and built between 1748 and 1764.
Address: Rastrelli Ploshad, 3, building 1 see map
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The Kunstkammer
Collections of Peter the Great's Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkammer) are among the most complete and interesting in the world. These collections contain over one million artifacts and reflect the diversity of traditional cultures in the Old and New World.
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Peterhof is a jewel of the Russian art, a town of parks, palaces, and fountains. In the past it used to be an exquisite summer residence of Russian tsars. Verkhniy (Upper) Garden and Nizhniy (Lower) Park, genuine masterpieces of landscape design, number over 150 fountains, 5 monumental cascades. The Lviniy (Lion's) Cascading Fountain, the second as of its size, was launched again after 60 void years. On the territory of the reserve, there are 10 working museums: the Grand Palace, Monplaisir, Catherine's Block, Marii, Hermitage, the church of St.Alexander Nevsky (Gothic Capella), the Benois family museum, Cottage, the Bath Block including Tafeldecker and Kaffeeschenk Rooms and The Kitchen, and the Museum of Collectors.
Address: Peterhof (Petrodvorets), suburb of St.Petersburg
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This is a superb palace-and-park ensemble of the late XVIII - beginning of the XIX centuries which was used as a summer residence of the Russian emperor Paul I and his family. The landscape park, one of the largest in Europe, covers the area of 600 ha. The works on the palace-and-park ensemble on the winding banks of the Slavyanka river lasted for 50 years. Architects: Ch.Cameron, V.Brenna, G.Guarenghi, A.Voronikhin, C.Rossi, sculptors M.Kozlovsky, I.Martos, I.Prokofiev, F.Gordeyev, G.Demut-Malinovsky. The formation of the collections of the Pavlovsky Palace was closely connected with the trip of its owners over Europe in 1781-1782. They visited workshops of well-known artists, ordering and acquiring paintings, furniture, bronze articles, silk fabrics, china sets etc. They brought to Russia a large number of antique sculptures from Italy, as well as gifts from European royal courts. The museum also displays an excellent collection of portraits by Russian artists and a number of Pavlovsk landscape paintings and drawings. Residential Rooms of Empress Maria Fedorovna decorated by architects Guarenghi and Voronikhin at the beginning of the MX century and enrapturing with their harmonious beauty, are open to the public. After essential restoration, the library by Rossi is open. The library was built in 1824 for the Empress Maria Fedorovna to host abundant collection of books and rarities.
Address: Pavlovsk, suburb of St.Petersburg
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Pushkin (Tsarskoye Selo) and Amber room
The Palace-and-Park ensemble of Tsarskoye Selo - a fonner country residence of Russian emperors - is a fascinating monument of the world's architectural and gardening arts of the XVIII-XIX centuries. The compositional centre of the Tsarskoselsky ensemble is Catherine's Palace, containing exquisite decorative objects, furniture, Russian and Western-European paintings, unique collections of porcelain, amber, arms, decorative bronze, sculptures etc. The Tsarskoselsky Lyceum, an elite school established in Russia in the beginning of the XIX century for noble families offsprings which the great Russian poet A.S.Pushkin attended, is situated next to the palace.
Open : 10:00 - 17:00
Closed on TUE and on the last Mon of Every month.
Address: Puhskin (Tsarskoe Selo), suburb of St.Petersburg
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The Aurora Cruiser
It was founded in 1897 and launched in 1900. It is named after the Aurora frigate that
defended Petropavlovsk on Kamchatka during the War of 1853-56. The cruiser participated in
the Tsusima battle. From November 17 1948 the cruiser became the monument of the October
revolution. It is located near Petrogradskaya Embankment of the Bolshaya Nevka River. From
1957 it is an affiliate of the Navy museum.
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The museum of Ethnography of Russia
Established in 1901 as an ethnography department of the Russian Museum (opened in 1923). The main collection (over 260 thousand articles and 140 thousand photographs) comprises the items related to the culture and life of nations of the former USSR, as well as to modern folk art.
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Central Naval Museum (Navy museum)
One of the world biggest navy museums, that was established in 1709. The museum exhibits the items related to the history of Russian Fleet, and the traditions of Russian sailors. The museum stores over 800 thousand exhibits including 2 thousand ship models, over 3,500 banners, over 7 thousand items of arms, weapons, and military facilities, about 2 thousand paintings. The boat of Peter the Great is the unique exhibit of the museum.
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Kazansky Cathedral
Kazansky Cathedral was built in 1801-1811 d.b. Voronikhin to house the miraculous Kazanskaya Sacred Mother icons. The cathedral is shaped like a cross, and the facade facing Nevskiy prospect is linked with a 96 column colonnade. Statues of Kutuzov and Barklai-de-Tolli, dedicated to the heroes of the Napoleonic war, are raised next to the cathedral. The cathedral houses exhibits on the orthodox church and religious art.
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Holy-Trinity Alexander Nevsky Lavra
The Alexander Nevsky Lavra functions nowadays as an orthodox monastery belonging to the St Petersburg eparchy. Founded by decree of the Emperor Peter I in 1710, the monastery is located on that very place where, according to the legend, prince Andrey, a son of prince Alexander Yaroslavitch (Nevsky), gained a victory over the Swedish troops in 1301. The St Trinity Alexander Nevsky Lavra thus became one of the first large architectural ensembles in the northern Russian capital.
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Neva river boat trip
Walk on Neva - wonderful travel. You will see prospect of the Petersburg embankments famous architectural ensembles, will pass under figured bridges, which for a long time stay symbols of our city.
Steam-ships "Moscow" - court of the improved design, with broad open terrace.
The impressions from travel on Neva will be added by delicious lunch or dinner: you can taste Russian, European and Orient cuisine.
To the visitors and inhabitants of St.-Petersburg most like night walks on the river with logging out in water area of the Finnish gulf during the period of White nights.
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St.Petersburg Zoo (Leningradsky Zoopark)
Being one of the oldest zoological gardens in Russia, Leningradsky Zoo is also known to be a northernmost one. It was opened on August 14, 1865, founded by two animal-lovers, Sophia and Julius Hebhardt. Located in the historical center of St. Petersburg, not far from the famous St. Peter and Paul Fortress, the Zoo nowadays occupies an area of about 7,5 hectares and demonstrates nearly two thousand animals belonging to 410 species. Each beast, bird or reptile is peculiar as well as attractive in its own way.
The Polar bear was chosen for our Zoo's emblem due to the fact that these rare arctic animals have got acclimatized in St. Peterburg perfectly well and have been breeding here regularly since 1932.
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