We suggest for your attention some books which was edit with the participation of the Lavra, or hold the light of the Alexander-Nevsky Lavra.
The Bible.
The Bible. The Orthodox Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. The jubilee edition for the 2000 celebration of the Christmas.

S.G. Runkevitch. The Alexander-Nevsky Lavra. 1713-1719.
The fundamental work of S.G. Runkevitch is devoted to the history of the Lavra, the formation of the architectural ensemble, the life and work of the outstanding clergy and laymen. It is based exclusively on the materials of the Lavra.

The Gospels
Having recommenced its life and activities after the forced adjournment of several decades, the Alexander-Nevsky Lavra has undertaken, parallel with other tasks, the one of providing the Orthodox believers with new editions of the Scripture. At present, we publish the texts of the Gospels in the Church Slavonic and Russian languages supplemented with an index of readings of the Four Gospels at Divine Liturgy in the course of the whole year. The texts and the indices have been carefully checked up recently for this edition aimed for those present at Liturgy as well as for home reading.

"Nastavnik" ("The Preceptor") Magazine
This book may become a Kathechisis for the all Orthodox belivers. This is the senodal text of the Apostol's Messeges and Dones with new translation of the comments from the Old Church .

The Selected Vessel.
The history of the Russian Sacred schools.
This book gethering the different materials about the creation and development of the Russian Common Church History as the original science descipline.

The views of the cloisters of the St.-Petersburg Eparchy.
The orthodox Publishing house "Vera" and Publishing Ltd. "Yurshenko" have the plans to print the series of the albums " The views of the cloisters of the St.-Petersburg Eparchy".
This album presents for your attention the views of the Holy-Trinity Alexander-Nevsky Lavra and the Holy-Trinity-Sergey monastery in Strelna (Sergyevskaya Puston).

The twenty cards with the Plan of the Alexander-Nevsky Lavra and comments.
Dedicate for the 200-th anniversary of the elevating of the Alexander Nevsky Monastery to the rank of Lavra.
