Opening of the Art History Department of the
European University at Saint Petersburg
The State Hermitage Museum announces opening of the Art History Department
of the European University at Saint Petersburg.
This Department is a joint project of the State Hermitage Museum and European
University at Saint Petersburg worked out to prepare highly qualified
specialists in the field of art history within the framework of the post-graduate
education.It is aimed at eliminating the gaps in the curriculum of high
schools of art history in Russia, approaching European and world standards
in this sphere and development of international contacts in exchange of
information in the field of art.
In 2000 the department accepts applications for the programme ‘Russia
- Europe: interaction of artistic languages" (the late 17th - beginning
of the 20th centuries). The applicants are to have a degree eigther in
art and architecture or musik, theatre, cinema, philology, history, ethnology,
culture, museum activities and so on. The lectures are delivered and the
theses for the candidate degrees are supervised by the leading specialists
in different spheres of art history from Russia and other countries.
The course is divided into two stages. The first stage of the programme
(I-III semesters) results in the defence of an essay for the Masters degree
and receiving the diploma corresponding to the standards of the curriculum
of the M.A. (Master of Art).
The second stage (IV - VI semesters) is devoted to the theses for the
candidate degree. At the end of this stage the students have an opportunity
to defence their theses and to get a candidate degree in the following
specialities: "The Fine Arts, Applied Arts and Architecture", "Theatre",
"Musik", " Theory and History of Art", "Theory and History of Culture"
and other specialities in the field of art and culture, depending on the
topic of their scientific work. Lectures, seminars and scientific supervision
is conducted by leading specialists having authority over the artistic
problems in question, including foreign scientists. Some classes will
be held in the funds of the Hermitage Museum.
of the European University at Saint Petersburg: Gagarinskaya street (formely
Furmanova street), house 3.
of the Art History Department: (812)275-51-42
Dr.Roman Grigoryev
Head, Print room, State Hermitage Museum
tel. (812)110-96-82
e-mail abramova@hermitage.ru
Coordinator, Art History Department, European University at Saint Petersburg
e-mail arts@eu.spb.ru