
The Treasures of the Golden Horde
The Gold of Jenghizids. Cultural Heritage of the Golden Horde
The exhibition includes 632 items of the 13th - 15th centuries created
by the masters of the Golden Horde Khanate, the state that was founded
in the early 40-s of the 13th century by Batu-Khan, the grandson of Jenghiz-Khan,
(1227 - 1257). Most part of the existing artifacts originates from the
archaeological excavations of the 19th - 20th centuries in places where
Golden Horde towns, settlements and tumuli used to be. Of special interest
are the objects made of gold and silver.
Four large groups of objects are represented at the exhibition. The group
of artifacts, dating back to the second half of the 13th century mostly
and including the "Jenghiz Stone", p'ai-tzu (documents on metal plates)
of the Great Khan and of the khans of the Golden Horde and belts of warriors,
is closely connected with the tradition of the "Great Mongolia" that formed
during the lifetime of Jenghiz-Khan (1155 - 1227). Silver bowls found
in Ivdel (a settlement in Sverdlovsk region) reflect specific features
of artistic casting that were characteristic of the Middle Horde period
(late 13th - two thirds of the 14th centuries). Silver articles of the
Late Horde period (middle - last third of the 14th - the first half of
the 15th centuries) originate from the tumuli of the Northern Caucasus
and from hoards of the Volga and Azov basins and from the Crimea. Of special
interest are decorative articles from the Simpheropol hoard (the State
Museum of History). Among them 328 golden and silver items: vessels, p'ai-tzu,
coins, jewellery pieces.
This is the first exhibition of such a great scale that reveals the contribution
of the Turk , Mongolian and other local people of the steppe and forest-steppe
Eurasia of the medieval era in the world art and culture. The exhibition
is organized by the State Hermitage Museum, State Museum of History (Moscow),
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan, Official Representative
of the Republic of Tatarstan in Saint Petersburg and Leningrad region,
State Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Tatarstan with support of
the Office of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan and Kazan Counsil
of People's Deputies. The exhibition is held under the patronage of the
President of the Republic of Tatarstan Mentimer Shaimiev.

13th - first half of the 14th centuries |