
Opening of Exhibition Roman Applied Art of
the 1st to 3rd Century A.D.
The exhibition in the Pompean Room of the New Hermitage opening 7 December
1999 became another step in the realisation of the concept of the museum
of the 21st century. The interior of the Pompean Room conforms to the
subject of the exhibition and the character of the exhibits. It is a moderate
in size but richly decorated with wall-paintings room of the type of a
study. Designed by Leo von Klenze as a study it was originally
meant to display and scrutinize jewelry, rarities and small articles like
those displayed at this exhibition. To keep and exhibit these articles
Klenze designed show-cases that are still in the Hermitage. Obelisks with
ormolu decorations, small pyramids for exhibiting gems and intaglios,
show-cases of Karelian birch are functional and convinient in usage and
also integral of the museum interior of 19th century. Design of the show-cases
and decoration of the room are executed in one neoclassical style. As
a result of restoration the show-cases were supplied with safety glass
preventing reflexes of light, modern light design and safety precautions
which enabled these old pieces of high artistic value to be used in a
modern museum.
Part of the rich collection of the Roman artistic crafts of the 1st -
2nd centuries A.D. - the period of the Early Roman Empire and of the flourishing
of artistic crafts - is represented at this exhibition. Jewelry articles
made of gold and precious stones, ornaments of semi-precious stones, glass
and chrystal, terra sigillata and figured vessels, bronze- and silverware,
bronze figurines and carved stones are on display. Variety of materials
and texture, richness of styles and decor, complexity of techniques and
striking expediency of forms give an idea of not only the high level of
craftsmanship of the artisans of the first centuries A.D. The articles
closely connected with everyday life of people also demonstrate artistic
tastes and lifestyles of the citizens of the empire and characterize religion
and leasure of the Romans of the period of flourishing of the Roman state.
Attractive subject and spectacular material of the exhibition will undoubtedly
be of interest for the visitors of the Museum.
Reconstruction of the Pompean Room was sponsored by Ms. Jayne Wrightsman
(USA) , an old friend and one of the main patrons of the State Hermitage.

Director of the Hermitage Mikhail Piotrovsky at the
opening ceremony of the exhibition

Cameos in the old modernized show-cases