Schliemann. St-Petersburg. Troy
17 June 1998 - 1999
On June 17, 1998, the exhibition "Schliemann. St. Petersburg. Troy."
opened in the museum. More than 400 works in ceramic and bronze are on
view in the room of the New Hermitage. It focuses on the most colourful
archaeologist of the 19th century, Heinrich Schliemann (1822-1890), who
made a fortune as a merchant in St. Petersburg and spent it excavating
the site of the ancient city of Troy. Originally, Schliemann gave his
collection to the German nation but it was shipped to Russia in 1945 after
being appropriated by the Russian army's Trophy Brigade; the gold is still
in the Pushkin Museum, Moscow, and the ceramics and bronzes in the Hermitage.
It is these latter Trojan treasures that are exhibited for the first time
since 1945 in the context of St-Petersburg when Schliemann lived there.