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Cupid and Psyche
Canova (Antonio Canova)
Marble; h 137 cm
Cupid and Psyche is considered one of the best works by the
talented exponent of the Roman school of sculpture, Antonio Canova, 15 of whose works are
on display in the Hermitage. Following the fashion of the time and a revived interest in
Antiquity, the sculptor depicts an episode from the legend of Cupid and Psyche, in which
Cupid brings his dying love back to life with a kiss. The composition is based on smooth
rhythmic lines, the harmony of figures and graceful gestures, and it creates an atmosphere
of decorativeness. Acquired by Prince Yusupov in Rome in 1796, this sculpture is the
second version of the group made by Canova, differing in certain respects from the first,
now in the Louvre, Paris.