Pair of Bracelets and Torque with Insets
Poltava Region, Ukraine
Mid-7th century
Gold, emerald
Diam of bracelet 7.4 – 7.9 cm
Diam of torque 21.2 – 17.5 cm
Pereshchepina Treasure
These objects constitute a set, executed at the same workshop,
indicated by the identical cutting of the emeralds.
The central section of both objects takes the form of rectangular
plaque attached to the main body by hinges. Besides the emerald
insets, the central section and the main part of the bracelet were
once decorated with small round insets, probably of precious
In these pieces of jewellery, the technical traditions of classical
Antiquity are combined with elements of the polychrome style
prevailing in the Northern Black Sea area during the era preceding
the Hun domination. This set of jewellery was probably made by
a nomadic goldsmith and intended for a woman from the nomadic
nobility, to be worn during ceremonies.