Hand-Washing Vessel: Pitcher and Ladle
Poltava Region, Ukraine
Silver gilt
Pitcher: h 28 cm, diam of stand 9.6 cm
Ladle: h 7.25 cm, diam 25.2 cm, l with handle 38.5 cm
Pereshchepina Treasure
This silver ladle and pitcher make up a hand-washing vessel, which presumably was one of the Byzantine gifts presented in
619 to Prince Organa, uncle of Khan Kubrat. Both these articles bear the hall-mark with the monogram of Byzantine Emperor
Mauritius Tiberius (582-602). The pitcher is ornamented with stamped relief on the reverse, some details finished with
engraving. There is chased and engraved decoration in the form of an ancient mask, dolphins, a figure of a panther and floral
The Byzantines used such sets both in everyday life and at cult ceremonies (which was typical under ancient tradition).