The Gonzaga Cameo
3rd century BC
Alexandria; h 15.7 cm
This cameo, a rare example of the large 'dynastic'
stones of the Hellenistic age, was created in the
3rd century BC in Alexandria. The rulers of Egypt,
King Ptolemy II Philadelphus and his wife Arsinoe,
are portrayed as gods from the Greek pantheon.
Basing himself on an image formed under the
influence of the personality of Alexander of
Macedonia, an unknown master engraver created
an idealized portrait of the king as hero, and
emphasized the unity of the royal couple in this
profile portrait. Their heads are crowned with laurel
wreaths. The king's attire is part realistic and part
symbolic: the helmet is decorated with a star and a
winged dragon; Zeus's aigidos, attribute of the
most significant deity of Hellas, is thrown over the
king's armour. The pathetic heads of Medusa and
Phobos, genius of Horror, intensify the fantastic
nature of the king's dress. The qualities of the
agate, in three layers, enabled the engraver to
create a unique example of spectacular 'painting in
stone', in which delicate colour transition and
contrast seem to be inherent in the material itself.