Lekythos in the Form of Sphinx
Late 5th century BC
Clay; h 21.5 cm
This vessel for perfumed oil, of Attic work, was
found not far from Taman in 1869. This superb
example of Greek art demonstrates a notable
characteristic of art of the Classical period: the
form of the rim, neck and handle is that of a
lekythos, while the body is executed in the form
of a Sphinx – a mythological creature with a
lion's body, bird's wings, and a woman's head,
with fine facial features and a magnificent head
of curly hair. Two techniques are used in the
painting: the rim, neck and surface beneath the
handle are covered with black lacquer and
painted in red-figure style. The well-preserved
polychrome painting on the Sphinx body makes
this lekythos worthy of particular note: the blue
eyes shaded by their black eyelashes, the
delicate colour of the cheeks, the pink lips and
moderate use of gilding enable us to imagine
the original colour range of monumental Greek
sculpture of the Classical epoch.