The 6th All-Russia Numismatic Conference (St Petersburg, April 20-25, 1998).
Reports and Theses of Reports
The State Hermitage;
managing editor V.M.Potin;
St Petersburg, 1998;
245 pages; 1 sheet --- portrait;
illustrated; 22 x 15 cm.
Archaeological Articles. Number 33
The State Hermitage; edited by B.B.Piotrovsky; scholarly editor Y.V.Dmansky; St Petersburg, 1998; 169 pages; illustrated; 1sheet - portrait; 26 x 17 cm; resume in English; bibliography at the end of each article.
Archaeological Review Session over 1997.
Theses of Reports State Hermitage; scholarly editor Yuri Piotrovsky; editorial board - G.V.Vilinbakhov, Nina Lavrova, Mikhail Piotrovsky; St Petersburg, 1998; 43 pages; illustrated; 22 x 15 cm.
Archaeology of Taman. Scholarly Works. Number 1
State Hermitage, Taman Museum complex; scholarly editor Sergey Solovyov; St Petersburg, publisher sState Hermitage, 1998; 104 pages; illustrated; 22 x 15 cm; bibliography at the end of each article.
Architypical Images in the World Culture.
All-Russia Scholarly Conference. Theses of Reports.
State Hermitage; editorial board - G.V.Vilinbakhov, A.V.Kamchatova; St Petersburg, 1998; 108 pages; 22 x 15 cm
Celebration of the 90th Anniversary.
The Hermitage Readings in Memory of Boris Piotrovsky (February 14, 1908 - November 15, 1990)
Summarized Reports St Petersburg, 1998; scholarly editors L.Galanina, A.A.Iyerusalimskaya, Yuri Piotrovsky; editorial board - G.V.Vilinbakhov, Nina Lavrova, Mikhail Piotrovsky and others; St Petersburg, 1998; 103 pages; illustrated; 22 x 15 cm; title page and content also in English; bibliography at the end of each article.
For the Benefit of School, 1998-1999 Academic Year
State Hermitage, St Petersburg, 1998; 17 pages; illustrated; 19 x 14 cm; list of guides for school children - p. 17.
Archaeological Articles. Number 33
The State Hermitage; edited by B.B.Piotrovsky; scholarly editor Y.V.Dmansky; St Petersburg, 1998; 169 pages; illustrated; 1sheet - portrait; 26 x 17 cm; resume in English; bibliography at the end of each article.
Jewellery and Material Culture.
Theses of Reports of the Participants of the 5th Colloquium.
The State Hermitage; editor N.A.Zakharova; St Petersburg, 1998; 89 pages; 21 x 15 cm.
Military Archaeology.
Weaponry and Warfare in the Historical and Social Perspective.
Materials of the International Conference: September 2-5, 1998.
State Hermitage; State Institute of the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences; editorial board - G.V.Vilinbakhov, V.M.Masson (managing editor) and others; St Hermitage, 1998; 343 pages; illustrated; 22 x 15 cm; title page and content also in English; articles by foreign authors in English.
Numismatic Articles, 1998.
Commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of V.M.Potin's Birth.
State Hermitage; editorial board - G.V.Vilinbakhov (managing editor) and others; St Petersburg, 1998; 368 pages; illustrated; one sheet - a portrait; 22 x 14 cm; list of scholarly works by V.M.Potin, pages 13-24; bibliography at the end of each article.
Peter I's Era in Persons
Summarized Scholarly Reports Devoted to Count Alexander Menshikov
State Hermitage; editorial board - G.V.Vilinbakhov, L.M. Vikhrova, N.V.Kalyazina, Mikhail Piotrovsky; St Petersburg, 1998; 59 pages; 22 x 15 cm; bibliography at the end of each article.
Schliemann, Heinrich. Diary of 1866. Voyage along the Volga.
State Hermitage; scholarly editor Yuri Piotrovsky; preface and preparation of of text, note and conception of edition - I.A.Bogdanov; St Petersburg, 1998; illustrated; 1 sheet - portrait; 22 x 16 cm; bibliography in the note, p. 53-58;
Schliemann in Asia 1864-1865 is also included into the book. E.Karvalio; Heinrich Schliemanns Reise an die Wolga im Jahre 1866. I.Bogdanow (Grm.)
Scholarly Conference in Memory of Matvey Gukovsky (1898-11971).
Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of His Birth.
Theses of reports
State Hermitage; St Petersburg, 1998; 61 pages; one sheet - a portrait; 22 x 14 cm; list of published works by Matvey Gukovsky - pages 7-19.
Scythians. Hazars. Slavs. Old Russia.
International Scholarly Conference in Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of Dr Mikhail Artamonov 's birth
St Petersburg, December 9-12, 1998
Theses of Reports
State Hermitage, St Petersburg, State Institute of the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences; editorial board - G.V.Vilinbakhov, S.D.Stolyar(managing editor), Yuri Piotrovsky and others; St Petersburg, State Hermitage, 1998; 194 pages; illustrated, 1 sheet - portrait; 22 x 14 cm.