| Peter Tchaikovsky (1840-1893) |
| Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, Op. 41 |
1. | No. 8 "The Creed" 
2. | No. 13 "Our Father" 
| Konstantin Shvedov |
3. | No. 9 "It's A Blessing Confess" 
4. | No. 4 "We Have No Other Help" 
| Pavel Tchesnokov (1877-1944) |
5. | "Angel Cried" Op. 22 No. 18 
6. | "God, Save Your Men" 
| Dobre Christov (1875-1941) |
7. | "In Your Kingdom" 
| Sergei Rachmaninoff (1873-1943) |
8. | "St. Pantelei", lyrics by Alexei Tolstoi (1817-1875) 
| Mikhail Glinka (1804-1857) - Milij Balakirev (1837-1910) |
9. | "The Venice Night", lyrics by Ivan Kozlov (1779-1840) 
| Vissarion Shebalin (1902-1963) |
10. | "The Winter Road", lyrics by Alexander Pushkin (1799-1837), arr. by V.Kontarev 
11. | "Time After Time", Russian traditional song arr. by A.Larin 
12. | "The Dawn", Komi traditional song arr. by A.Osipov 
13. | "Oh, Gossips, Go Home!" Russian traditional song arr. by Alexander Sveshnikov (1890-1980) 
| Valery Kalistratov (b.1942) |
14. | "Moanings of a Motherless Bride on Her Parents' Grave", traditional lyrics 
15. | "Tanya, Tanyusha", traditional lyrics 
16. | "The Stepp Is Around", Russian traditional song arr. by V.Kalistratov 
17. | "Shedrik" Ukrainian traditional song arr. by Nikolai Leontovich (1877-1921) 