1. | Cherubic Hymn No 1 in F 
2. | Cherubic Hymn No 2 in G 
3. | The Creed 
4. | A Mercy Of Peace 
5. | We hymn Thee No 1 in C 
6. | It Is Truly Meet No 1 in C 
7. | Our Father 
8. | Praise the Lord from the Heavens 
9. | Cherubic Hymn No 3 in G 
10. | Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silent 
11. | Praise the Lord from the Heavens No. 2 
12. | Behold, the Bridegroom Comes 
13. | Thy bridal chamber 
14. | By The Rivers Of Babylon 
15. | We praise Thee, O God 
16. | Who is this King of glory? 
17. | Before Thy Cross 
18. | Cherubic Hymn No 4 
19. | Cherubic Hymn No 5 in A 
20. | Cherubic Hymn No 6 in F Minor 
21. | We Hymn Thee No 2 in F 
22. | We Hymn Thee No 3 in G 
23. | We Hymn Thee No 4 in G 
24. | We Hymn Thee No 5 in B Flat 
25. | We Hymn Thee No 6 in G 
26. | It Is Truly Meet No 2 in F 
27. | Praise the Lord from the Heavens No. 3 in D 
28. | Praise the Lord from the Heavens No. 4 in F 
29. | Praise the Lord from the Heavens in D 
30. | He Makes His Angels Spirits 
31. | The Righteous Shall Be In Everlasting Remembrance 
32. | I Will Receive the Cup of Salvation 
33. | Their Proclamation Has Gone Forth 
34. | Thou Hast Created Salvation 
35. | Rejoice in the Lord, O You Righteous No. 1 in C 
36. | Rejoice in the Lord, O You Righteous No. 2 in G 
37. | The Light of Thy Countenance 
38. | God Has Gone Up with a Shout 
39. | Theotokion-Dogmatikon in the First Tone: 
| Let us praise the Virgin, Mary |
40. | Kanon for Holy Saturday: 
| Beneath the Waves of the Sea |